EF's Booking Conditions

Booking Conditions vary per season. Read our frequently asked questions for information about payment schedules, refunds, and insurance for your tour’s dates.

General Terms and Conditions

These Booking Conditions are valid for all EF tours departing after October 1, 2024. All tours are operated outside of the U.S. by EF Education First International, Ltd., Switzerland. EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc. is a marketing service provider for that company and is referred herein together with EF Education First International, Ltd. as “EF.”

Cancellations and Modifications

Peace of Mind Program

We understand that plans can change due to unforeseen circumstances. EF provides an exclusive Peace of Mind program to account for such situations. This program is automatically included for all travelers and can be enacted at the group level by your Group Leader for any reason, including terrorism, pandemics, or other world events. Your Group Leader may choose from the following options:

Payment Plan Terms and Conditions

Should you choose the Automatic Payment Plan or Manual Payment Plan, the following Terms and Conditions apply.

Paperless Billing Terms and Conditions

Should you choose the Automatic Payment Plan or Manual Payment Plan, the following Terms and Conditions apply.

Other Terms and Conditions

The terms and provisions of these Booking Conditions supersede any other warranties, representations, terms, or conditions, unless they are expressly stated within a Booking Conditions Addendum or in a letter signed by an EF officer. While EF makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its publications, it cannot be held responsible for typographical or printing errors (including prices).

Enrolling travelers acknowledge that EF may change the Booking Condition terms from time to time and those changes become effective immediately. Notice will be provided to you in the event of a material change. A traveler’s continued use of EF’s services following such notice constitutes acceptance and agreement to be bound by such changes. Travelers agree that the current version of the Booking Conditions in effect at the time of travel or cancellation applies to their tour program.

The tour operator for your trip is EF Education First International, Ltd., Selnaustrasse 30, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland, organization number CHE-109.874.655, VAT number CHE- 116.325.678 MWST. EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc. is an affiliate of EF Education First International, Ltd. and acts only as a marketing services provider for that company. EF Institute for Cultural Exchange Inc. is not an agent of EF Education First International, Ltd., does not provide any goods or services for your trip, and is located at Two Education Circle, Cambridge, MA 02141 (t: 800-665-5364). The services provided are tax-exempt with credit in accordance with Swiss Federal Law with regard to VAT Article #23.

EF is a registered as a “Seller of Travel” as defined by travel regulations in the following states: Florida (Reg. No. ST36778); California (Reg. No. 2015641-20); Washington (Reg. No. 603084928).

EF’s Rules of the Road

When you enroll on tour, you agree to EF’s Rules of the Road, which can also be found on your personalized website. If you do not conform to these regulations or any specific rules set by your Group Leader, you risk dismissal from the tour, returning home at your expense with no refund for the missed tour portion. Decisions regarding tour dismissal are up to EF and/or your Group Leader.

Release and Agreement