Earning professional learning credit
Professional learning hours/points
Course details
Educators who travel on an EF tour for students can complete EF’s travel-based course to earn professional learning hours or points. The course encourages pre-tour research and planning as well as on-tour observations and reflection. After the tour, educators create an instructional unit that integrates their international experiences and content knowledge into engaging and meaningful lessons that align with state and national standards.
All educators traveling on an EF tour are eligible to enroll. For an optimal experience, please enroll 3-4 weeks in advance of your tour’s departure date, or NO LATER than 7 days prior to your tour. (There is a substantial amount of pre-tour research and course work to complete, so please register early for best outcomes.)
Successful completion of the course will earn educators 45 professional learning hours/points. Grading, credit, and transcripts are provided through EF.
Tuition is free and there are no fees.
Educators can register for the course here.
Learn more
Questions? Email education.department@ef.com.
Graduate-level university credit
Educators can earn 3.0 or 6.0 graduate-level university credits through research, travel, and reflection with EF’s university partner, Southern New Hampshire University. Courses are administered online and take place post-tour, during an 8-week asynchronous semester that runs on SNHU’s standard academic calendar. Shortly after undergoing the registration process, students will be asked to select a post-tour semester to take the course.
All educators traveling on an EF tour are eligible to register.
Successful course completion will earn educators 3.0 or 6.0 graduate-level university credits.
To register, email education.department@ef.com. Courses fill fast, so we strongly recommend that educators register at least two weeks prior to the tour’s departure date to ensure a spot in their preferred SNHU semester. Shortly after undergoing the registration process, educators will be asked to choose a semester to take the course post-tour.
As of October 1, 2023, tuition is $360 per 3.0 credit course and $720 per 6.0 credit course ($120 per credit hour) for any educator who adds the course to their tour by July 1, 2025. Pricing is subject to change after this date.
Learn more
Visit eftours.com/snhueducator to learn more or email education.department@ef.com with questions.